Reading for the Week: March 27th-April 2nd

Gift ⭐️  The Lovers ️ 

We are in for some intense feels this week. With the New Moon in Aries tonight and Venus still in retrograde, there is a lot of powerful potential to see with clear eyes exactly what it is that fuels our deepest passions in this one wild life. And of course it changes over time and the process of discernment is never over, but this week we have a unique opportunity to strip off some of the layers of confusion, pragmatism, and fear that keep us from admitting and accepting our true desires. While the Lovers are certainly about relationships and love, this card is also about choices. What choice do you feel you have to make this week? Have your priorities become unclear lately? It's time to refresh and review our commitments and our priorities so that we can act with the full knowledge that we are living the life we are meant to be living. You do have the power to make big changes. It takes work and a big dose of courage, but we can take inspiration from the wild geese who take flight without a second thought and go where their heart tells them they must go. 

Challenge ⭐️  Son of Cups 

The Son (or Knight) of Cups is never far behind when it comes to questions of love, commitment, and decision-making. He is so hell bent on finding the right match (or passion project or life path, etc.) that he charges forward without taking any time to turn inward and reflect. He thinks by scouring every inch of land and sea he will find the answer to his question and will know which direction is the right one. But this is one of those times when this approach actually backfires and creates more scattering and confusion, rather than clarity. This energy may even manifest in finding more than one path that seems equally attractive and urgent. 

Advice ⭐️  Two of Swords ⚔️

And here, perhaps, is the hardest part. What if you didn't have to choose? What if you could take both of those things you love and hold them together like two balanced swords across your chest. At least for now, for this week, this is what the cards advise. Don't feel that you need to have it all figured out right now. Even if other people are telling you they need answers immediately. See if you can find a way to put off making any big decisions this week, and let yourself sit a little longer with the options. This is a time for reviewing, for reflecting, and for seeking quiet clarity. This is not necessarily the moment for grand gestures and signing on the dotted line. Let yourself be still, close your eyes, and what you seek will find you.

Tarot deck used: The Wild Unknown