Gift ⭐️ Two of Wands + Heart ️
Connection. Spark. This week begins with the Spring Equinox and carries us into Aries season. Things are starting to heat up and we are looking for ways to connect with others and with our creativity. What projects have you been meaning to get to that have been on the back burner? Look back to your New Year's resolutions or any ideas you had brimming before the holidays. Now would be a great time to reignite those projects and goals that have been pushed to the wings. This energy can also bring connections with new people, whether love interests or potential collaborators. The Two of Wands shows us what is possible when we combine our own passion with someone else's. Often the outcome is greater than the sum of its parts.
Challenge ⭐️ Ten of Cups + Ring
Love is definitely in the air this week! The Heart + Ring combo is a strong indicator of a commitment on the horizon and the Ten of Cups usually indicates the culmination of love and joy through connection. But in the challenge position, this may mean that we will struggle a bit to make that final commitment. Again this isn't necessarily about love relationships. What are you having a hard time committing to? Or on the flip side, is there something you're being asked to sign off on that maybe needs to be examined a little more thoroughly? What kinds of connections and commitments have you been wanting to make in your life? in your community? to yourself?
Advice ⭐️ The World Rx + The Lady
The World reversed as advice tells us not to worry so much about the finished product of these commitments. We can't know what will happen in the long run, but we can pour ourselves into whatever will ignite us in the present. The more we put ourselves out there, the more we will create webs of interconnection with new people and possibilities. If no one knows you're interested in something, they won't think of you when an opportunity comes along to do it. Share your passions, make those calls and send the emails you've been putting off. Dedicate yourself to your art, to your cause, or that inkling that's been nagging at you and see what might come of it. Go to that class or art opening or workshop or march. See who shows up. Tell them what you're up to. Things have a way of gelling around anything you put your energy into, like filaments gathering to a magnet. The Lady from the Lenormand deck asks us to approach all of this from a feminine (or feminist!) point of view. It's not about asserting dominance or taking over, which never gets us very far. How can we find ways to shine that envelop others in our light rather than trying to out-shine the people around us? This combination also makes me think of the women's march and the ways in which the world could benefit from a dose of the divine feminine. What would it take to turn the world right side up?
Tarot deck used: The Wild Unknown
Oracle deck: Pixie's Astounding Lenormand